Oxford United have been served a winding-up petition by Kassam Stadium landlord Firoka.
A hearing date has been set for May 22 after court papers were issued on Wednesday to the League One club.
The winding-up petition is believed to be over the latest rent payment for the Kassam Stadium
The Oxford Mail report that it is believed the petition is over the latest rent payment for the stadium, which was due last month.
Firoka, owned by former Oxford chairman Firoz Kassam, previously filed a winding-up petition against the club in February after seeking £240,000 for a historic service charge.
Oxford United owner Sumrith Thanakarnjanasuth
That matter was settled before it ever reached court.
The relationship between owner and landlord have been difficult with Kassam stating it was at an ‘all-time low’ earlier this season.
Oxford have also been served three winding-up petitions from HMRC over late tax payments from owner Sumrith Thanakarnjanasuth, who completed his takeover in February 2018.
Thanakarnjanasuth, also known as Tiger, was part of a consortium who owned Reading between 2014 and 2017.
Oxford are currently 12th in League One under manager Karl Robinson.
papers issued The League One club are currently 12th under manager Karl Robinson Oxford United have been served a winding-up petition by Kassam Stadium landlord Firoka. A hearing date has been set for May 22 after court papers were issued on Wednesday to the League One club.
Oxford United served fifth winding-up petition since February
Firoka, the owner of Oxford United's Kassam Stadium, has withdrawn its winding-up order after the League One club paid its reported £204,000 (€231,461/$258,957) debt. Tim Davies, the club's financial director, said the club would meet with the landlord's company, which is owned by Oxford's former chairman Firoz Kassam, to "build a
Kenya Sport News ~ Kenya Latest
Oxford United have been served a winding-up petition by Kassam Stadium landlord Firoka. A hearing date has been set for May 22 after court papers were issued on Wednesday to the League One club. The Oxford Mail report that it is believed the petition is over the latest rent payment for the stadium, which was […]
Oxford United's stadium landlord withdraws winding-up order
Oxford United have been served a winding-up petition by their stadium owners, Firoka, over a late rent payment. The petition was issued on Wednesday, just days after the club made late payments to
Oxford United: Kassam Stadium landlords' winding-up order
The Oxford Mail report that it is believed the petition is over the latest rent payment for the stadium, which was […] Read More "Oxford United served fifth winding-up petition since February 2018 with the latest from Kassam Stadium landlord Firoka"
YEAR OF THE TIGER: A timeline from the last 12 months at
Oxford United have been served a winding-up petition by Kassam Stadium landlord Firoka. A hearing date has been set for May 22 after court papers were issued on Wednesday to the League One club
Oxford United: Kassam Stadium landlords Firoka serve winding
Oxford United moved to the Kassam Stadium in 2001. Oxford United have had a winding-up order served by the landlords of their ground dismissed after settling the reported £204,000 debt.
Soccer Live: Oxford United FC News, Transfer News And Rumours
Oxford United moved to the Kassam Stadium in 2001. Oxford United have been served with a winding-up petition by their Kassam Stadium landlords for £204,000 in unpaid rent and service charges.
Oxford United served fifth winding-up petition since February
November 8: United are served with a second winding-up petition from HMRC, while Karl Robinson described the appointment of Erick Thohir to the board as a "game-changer". He said: "You've
Oxford United served fifth winding-up petition since February
~ Oxford United served fifth winding-up petition since February 2018 with the latest from Kassam Stadium landlord Firoka ~ Kenya Latest
Oxford United served winding-up order over late stadium
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